


Custombinds are a type of bind that allow you to use our Lua-like scripting language to write highly customizable binds.

Creating a Custombind

To create a single custombind, run the command /custombinds new.

It requires 3 arguments and has 2 optional arguments.

  • Code: The code that evaluates to true or false based on the user.
  • Template: Learn more about it here.

Optional Arguments:

  • Priority: Learn more about it here.
  • Discord Roles: This is a list of Discord Roles that are to be added to the bind.

Writing the Code Argument

The syntax that custombinds use is modelled after Lua. The code, in essence, is an if statement of Lua. We recommend you to use custombinds ONLY if you have previous experience with Lua.

We support the following operators:

Logical Operators

andIf both operands are true or non-zero, then condition becomes true
orIf any of the operands is true or non-zero, then condition becomes true
notUsed to reverse the logical value of the operand. If the condition is true, this operator makes it false and vice versa!

Relational Operators

>Checks if the value of the left operand is greater than the value of the right operand
>=Checks if the value of the left operand is greater than or equal to the value of the right operand
<Checks if the value of the left operand is less than the value of the right operand
<=Checks if the value of the left operand is less than or equal to the value of the right operand
==Checks if the value of the left operand is equal to the value of the right operand
!=Checks if the value of the left operand is not equal than the value of the right operand


We support the following functions:

IsInGroup(GroupId)Checks if the user is present in the provided group. Returns a bool.
HasRank(GroupId, RankId)Checks if the user has the provided rank in the provided group. Returns a bool.
GetRank(GroupId)Gives the rank id of the user in the provided group. Returns a number.
HasRole(RoleId)Checks if the user has the provided role in the Discord server. Returns a bool.
WithString("String")Checks if the provided string is a substring of the user's Roblox Username. Returns a bool.
Note: The "" are necessary for the code to be valid.

Viewing your Custombinds

To view all your custombinds, run the command /custombinds view.

Modifying a Custombind

Custombinds can be modified individually on the dashboard.

Deleting a custombind

Custombinds can be deleted using the dashboard or by the command /custombinds delete.

Common Use Cases

Division-less/Department-less Bind

To create a divisionless bind, we basically have to check whether the user is in the main group and not present in ANY of the subgroups. The psuedocode for this is present below:

IsInGroup(Main Group) and not IsInGroup(Sub Group 1) and not IsInGroup(Sub Group 2) ...

Put as many not IsInGroup(Sub Group N) as many subgroups you have.